Solve the ideal practice to solve the cosmetic spray

Summary: The role of cosmetic sprinkles is very large, especially women who like makeup. It is very good to use, the mood of makeup is very good, the nozzle is not easy to use, the makeup mood is bad, change a cosmetic spray, when using cosmetics, people oft......
The role of cosmetic sprinkles is very large, especially women who like makeup. It is very good to use, the mood of makeup is very good, the nozzle is not easy to use, the makeup mood is bad, change a cosmetic spray, when using cosmetics, people often meet the sprinkle, the cosmetics are not coming, encounter this The solution solution gives you a look.
First, take the dressing needle
If the cosmetic spray is blocked, take a sewing needle to smash at the spray, this method is very good, the finer the use of the needle, it is best to smash each hole of the nozzle.
Second, put the nozzle into hot water
If you encounter a cosmetic spray, you can't solve the problem with a needle. This method can not be placed in hot water, and it can be melted by clogging.
After the cosmetic spray is blocked with hot water for a while, with the mouth to blow, the soon the better. If you do this, you will not be able to change your new cosmetic spray. It is best to change the quality sprup produced by a regular manufacturer.